Ancient Pathways, LLC - School of Primitive Technology and Wilderness Skills Survival Courses [Flagstaff Arizona]


“We had a great time! Thanks to you and your willing participants. We are all very pleased with how the weekend went. This is the type of shoot where we come away with personal gratification and growth in addition to bringing viewers an interesting story.” ~ Janet Stone, Producer, NBC News

“Your course far exceeded my expectations. It has been a truly wonderful weekend.” ~ Beth R.

“Tony Nester is an outdoor survival expert and a master of primitive technology.” ~ Gary Ghioto, Arizona Daily Sun

“If I were stranded in the wilderness I would want to be there with Tony Nester.”  ~ Scott Pasmore, KTVK, Channel 3 News, Phoenix

“Your Primitive Skills class was one of the best outdoor experiences I’ve had. Thank you!” ~ Linda V., Outdoor Education Professor, Primitive Skills Intensive Participant

“I would like to thank you for the course. You are very knowledgeable and your skillset is impressive. The small size of the course was helpful since we were able to get instant answers from you. Although you are very skilled you did not present the “I am holier” attitude, this made it even more pleasant to be around you. Since we were able to pick your brain with having to wonder if it was a dumb question. It was very helpful when you explained things and added the historical uses and examples to help cement the validity of the techniques. I highly recommend your course.” ~ Ramon S.

“I wanted to share what a great course I attended this past week, Ancient Pathways Desert Survival Intensive Course near Flagstaff, Arizona. I have been to Special Forces school and learned a thing or two along my 60+ years as a backpacker, military member and mountaineer however, there was much I have never tried or experienced before attending Tony’s course. I highly recommend the courses at Ancient Pathways, very well done by a true expert in primitive living, survival and bushcraft. Cheers!” ~ Bill J., From the Equipped to Survive Forum

“Tony, you are an excellent teacher & you model the things you are teaching superbly. Everyone who goes outdoors can benefit from the experiences you provide.” ~ Scott S., History Professor, Walkabout Participant

“I was astounded by how many skills we had covered by mid-day and the class was only half over! This has been extremely valuable.” ~ Becky L., Outdoor Survival Class Participant

Contact Information

Ancient Pathways, LLC
Colorado Springs, CO


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