Ancient Pathways, LLC - School of Primitive Technology and Wilderness Skills Survival Courses [Flagstaff Arizona]

Category Archives: Archived Courses

Primitive Living Skills

Combining the fields of anthropology, natural history and bushcraft, you will delve into the time-tested traditional skills used by native cultures of the Southwest for thousands of years. Topics and skills covered include: gourd containers, processing yucca for cordage, basic flintknapping, hafting stone tools, fire-by-friction, coal-burning implements, tracking, wickiups and natural shelters, traditional plant uses,… Continue >>>

Bowmaking Course

Learn how to make a finely crafted wood bow and set of arrows for sport or hunting. This two-day workshop will cover wood selection, carving, tillering and shaping methods, fashioning bowstrings, arrowmaking, and shooting techniques. Held in a heated workshop. Price includes Saturday dinner. This is given as a 2 Day Course. Check the course… Continue >>>

Blacksmithing, Toolmaking and Woodcraft

Blacksmithing, Toolmaking and Woodcraft

We are thrilled to announce that we will be hosting bushcraft instructor David Cronenwett of the Wilderness Arts Institute for this hands-on intensive in traditional toolmaking and usage. The first day and a half of this course will be spent making a crooked knife (mocotaugan), hook knife and possibly more. Basic metalworking, green wood carving… Continue >>>

50-Mile Adventure Trek

This unique course will focus on ultralight travel, bushcraft skills, and foraging while we trek cross-country each day relying on land-navigation to locate each night’s camp and various water sources along the way. The first day is spent learning map & compass skills such as shooting a bearing, adjusting for declination, and deciphering a topo… Continue >>>

Advance Survival Trek

Graduates of our fieldcourses are eligible for the Advanced Survival Trek. Operating as a group, students navigate each day to a new location and finding shelter and water along the way while relying solely on their survival-kit (included in the cost of the course). Any wild food that is foraged is done so with regards… Continue >>>

Traditional Living Skills Course

Drawing on the fields of archeology, natural history, and primitive survival, students will learn and apply documented aboriginal skills which have been used in the Southwest for thousands of years while living in the wilds. The first 6 days are spent at our basecamp learning traditional skills such as friction firemaking, primitive cooking, plant uses,… Continue >>>

Land Navigation and GPS Course

Land Navigation and GPS Course

Learn the basics of orienteering with a map and compass while boosting your confidence in traveling off the beaten path. We will cover compass use, declination, topographic map reading, pacing, walking a straight line, following a bearing, how to select and use a GPS unit, and barehanded navigation using celestial aids. This course is entirely… Continue >>>

Mammal Tracking Course

This comprehensive, three-day course will provide a solid foundation in the basic principles and field skills involved in tracking animals. Relying on classroom sessions, group activities, and fieldwork, you will gain experience in the following topics: Track I.D., Track Interpretation, Gait Patterns, Aging & Measuring Methods, Following Tracks Over Uneven Surfaces, Scat Analysis, & Plaster… Continue >>>

Intensive in Bushcraft and Traditional Skills

Intensive in Bushcraft and Traditional Skills

Bushcraft Course providing weeks of hands-on study into Traditional Skills, Southwest Archeology, and High-Desert Survival Skills at our rustic basecamp north of Flagstaff, Arizona. We will cover: primitive pottery, bowmaking, Hogan & shelter construction, edible plant harvesting, braintanning buckskin, and instruction in preparing herbal medicines. Students will also take part in an archeological tour of… Continue >>>

Emergency Preparedness Seminar

Join us for this hands-on, informative seminar focusing on how to make your home and lifestyle more self-reliant. With a wealth of topics and instructors to choose from, you will be able to attend a variety of in-depth workshops each day and rotate to different workshops throughout the weekend. ~ Herbal medicine making ~ Backyard… Continue >>>

Contact Information

Ancient Pathways, LLC
Colorado Springs, CO


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The New Knife-Only Survival Book is Now Available on Amazon!

The New Knife-Only Survival Book is Now Available on Amazon!

Ever wondered how to handle a worst-case outing in the wilds with only the clothes on your back and a knife? Each year in North America, there are countless cases of unprepared hikers becoming lost and having to endure an unexpected night in the elements, depending only on their wits and abilities. Written in a… Continue >>>

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