This unique course will focus on ultralight travel, bushcraft skills, and foraging while we trek cross-country each day relying on land-navigation to locate each night’s camp and various water sources along the way. The first day is spent learning map & compass skills such as shooting a bearing, adjusting for declination, and deciphering a topo map. After this we head out as a group and learn as we go for the remaining week.
Bushcraft skills will be covered each day and include firemaking, shelter construction, harvesting edible plants, primitive traps & snares, and tracking. As with all of our fieldcourses that emphasize lightweight travel, gear will consist of a wool blanket, poncho, knife, foodpack, and water bottles. The last 24 hours is a solo experience where you bring all of your skills to fruition in a final challenge.
Participants need to be in good physical condition for cross-country travel.