Back again by popular demand, we are offering our one day Winter Survival Class in the beautiful mountains of Flagstaff. Class runs from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and will cover a variety of hands-on skills such as snowshelters, firemaking in wet weather, snowmelting devices, winter clothing and footwear, cold-weather injuries, cold-weather foods, signaling, and more. Come learn the critical skills that will help keep you safe in the cold and open up a new season of enjoyment in the outdoors.
Morning Session: Classroom (indoors), begins at 9 a.m.
- Introduction and overview of the course.
- What is modern survival?
- Could you be a survivor?
- The psychology and 7 priorities of survival.
Physiological Aspects of Survival
- Dehydration & water requirements.
- Hypothermia, Frostbite, Snow-blindness, Altitude Illness, Immersion Hypothermia.
- Winter Survival Kits, Clothing, Footwear, Sleeping bags, and Specialized Gear for the pack and the vehicle.
- Emergency Protocols & First Aid Kits.
Lunch: 12:00 – 12:30 p.m.
Afternoon Session (outdoors)
- Firemaking tools and methods for making fire in wet weather.
- Signal mirror practice & ground to air communication methods, PLBs, signal fires.
- Shelter construction – setting up a tarp shelter for high-wind, constructing snow-shelters, rigging up a vehicle for roadside survival.
- Snowmelting and water procurement methods.
- Review and wrap up
Back from the field by 4 p.m.
Directions and a gear list will be emailed out upon registering with a payment. This class is held within a ten minute drive of Flagstaff.
This is given as a 1 Day Course.
Course Details:
Date: January 21, 2017 (1 Day Course)
Cost: $95
Location: Flagstaff, AZ