Whether the goal is to improve your staff’s backcountry competency or provide training in comprehensive self-reliance skills, our primitive skills courses will show students how to live in the wilds without the benefit of modern outdoor gear. Considerable time is spent on each topic and each person will walk away with a wealth of handmade tools and practical skills.
Introduction to Primitive Living Skills (1 Day) – Drawing from the fields of anthropology, archeology, and natural history, students will practice documented primitive technologies while gaining insight into the world of the hunter/gatherer. Skills covered include: flintknapping arrowheads and stone knives, fire-by-friction, weaving rope from plant fibers, pine-pitch glue, and primitive hunting tools.
Primitive Skills Intensive (2 to 5 Day Courses Available) – Held in a comfortable wilderness basecamp, this course allows students to practice a variety of primitive skills at their own pace. Meals, water, and shelter is provided. The course includes personalized instruction, handouts, evening programs, and plenty of practice with primitive skills. Field trips and short hikes to collect materials will augment our time in the field. Topics covered: primitive and improvised shelters, four different primitive firemaking methods, weaving baskets and cordage, edible and medicinal plants, bow and arrow making, fishing implements, primitive cooking, mammal tracking, and stone tools. Some skills may vary depending on course length.
Bushcraft Fieldcourse (3 to 7 Day Courses Available) – This course will show students how to walk into the wilderness with just the clothes on their back while depending on their skills to forage, fish, and gather what they need? Our Bushcraft Course will teach students the wilderness skills needed to feed themselves from nature’s kitchen. Students will sleep in shelters they have constructed, forage for edible plants, create fire-by-friction, weave rope from plant fibers, fashion primitive fishing implements, and learn how to make a wealth of primitive tools. After trekking in and establishing camp, students will collect and make what they need during their stay along a stream in Northern Arizona’s high country. Gear will consist of a cooking pot, knife, canteen, and a small survival kit. This course is the Real Deal – where students are out in the wilderness really applying their fieldcraft!